Greetings table tennis fans!

  • The Olympics have started! I bought a membership so I can watch all the action live. Because live really is the best way.  But you can also watch the replays there too. There have been some fantastic matches and it is exciting to see the crowd get so involved. 
  • Saturday 8/3 - We have to clear out the stage room at 11:15am. Expect some interruptions in play as we move things around. Also one table will be dedicated to kids coaching from 10:30am - 11:45.
  • Tuesday 8/6 - There is a National Night Out event in the parking lot. We still play that night, but parking will be on the street or over at the Franklin Commons.
  • Thursdays thru 8/15 - Group coaching with Jameson continues. Jameson is interested in opening Thursdays to open play and one on one coaching. Making this happen is a step by step process. First step, I need to know who is interested. Is that you? Let me know so we can get a group discussion going for step two.
  • Tuesday 8/20 - Stage area in use, down to 6-7 tables. (We may no longer use the exercise room. The tables leave marks on the flooring.)
  • USATT League - If you already are, or you want to become a member of USA Table Tennis, you can join our league play. Players are divided into groups and play for club rating points. Here are the details. Next league sessions are 8/17 and 8/27.
  • Congratulations to Bobby Helm for winning the Greatest of Ches-Mont Junior Championship, to Tiancheng Wang for winning the Blob Trophy Hardbat tournament, to Girish for his trophies at Princeton Pong and West Chester, to Jasen for his wins at West Chester and the National Championships, to Shata and Karun for their wins at the Rec. Room. I am sure I forgot something, it was a very busy July!!!
  • Greatest Ever Doubles Champions is now at Infinite Loop on Mondays! Head out there, win some doubles and send me the photos. Remember, the player with the most wins at the end of the year gets to keep the flag!